As an agricultural company, we understand that everything we do starts on the farm.  Being good stewards of the earth is not just good for the environment and the communities in which we live and work, it’s good for business.  Teasdale Latin Foods is committed to act in a responsible manner by ensuring we always use our resources wisely.

Our Key Areas of Focus:

Water Usage

We monitor our usage closely and consume only the minimum required for production; then recycle wherever possible for other agricultural uses.


We continually look for ways to reduce energy usage. We’ve upgraded our cook systems, lighting and facility insulation to reduce energy consumption. We have also installed enhanced IT systems that allow for better management and reduced handling of inventory.


We constantly look for ways to reduce corrugate packaging. Most of what we use is sourced from post-use recyclable materials, and nearly all of our cans and glass packaging are 100% recyclable.

Waste Disposal

Our solid food waste is distributed to local farmers for use as livestock feeds and our ongoing recycling programs minimize our use of landfill space.